Monday, January 24, 2011

Cynthia Cusick

So my awesometastic dear friend Cindi has been blogging pretty regularly (and you should all 'follow' her :D ), and I didn't even know about it until a few days ago. She's a fellow ceramist but also works in other media and has started an Etsy called Tea Horse Studio and has some great things up for Valentines day.

Double heart gourd badge with gold rim

She cuts these from gourds she grows on her farm and burns and dyes the images onto them. She has several more listed but these two are my favorites. :)

She also does amazing fine art that you can see and read about on her website,

Also, if you have a Face Book, you can "like" her fan page here: Cynthia Cusick on FB.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Reckless abandonment of my blog

Oh abandoned readers! Having a full time day job (which I really really love by the way) really makes it hard to keep up with this and Etsy, but It's a goal for the new year. Allow me to make it up to you with new pretties you can find in my shop. :)